I like to use Google Calendars. It's super easy. I can color code everything and my Gmail is almost always up and operating. I look at it a billion times during the day. Right now it just says research but most of the times I like to put what I want to get done that day.
What's coming up?? I am going back to beautiful and sunny Southern California in a couple of weeks. I'm going to the OC fair, going hang with Jo and see Adam Lambert...oh yes and some much needed R&R. I seem so be so active these days.
September 1st I'm doing an aquathon. You may ask yourself, um, why? You just had shoulder surgery. It's not really for time (ok kind of) but it should be good to train and get back in the swing. I think I have plenty of time to get a decent 5k time and to work on my 500m swim. I used to do that swim as a warm up! I used to do a lot of triathlons. I was Co-President of the UCI Tri-Club at one point too. I competed in the collegiate nationals (didn't do to well on the run- dang shoes!). I even won a couple of the womens division tris. I would love to race like that again but it would take dedication to train and I'd need to lose 30#s or so. Oh muscle muscle! Why do I have so much of you!?!?!
Back to the calendar....more stuff on the calendar!
Bumbershoot is coming up. Stephanie and I are going on one of the days.
Maybe Vegas in September??? I have to see where I end up with jobs and/or schooling. I was contacted by a job today. Let's hope I get an interview and things start to come together a little more smoothly. I've been pretty stressed out about the whole thing. I mean, I need to tell my landlord when I'm moving or whatnot.
Alright, I think I'm going to run one more rheometer test for my Boger fluid (hmmm I should have a post on exactly what that is... or not). I'm going to Sky High tonight to do an airobics class! yay!!! I like challenging my body to do new and exciting sports and exercises. I think it responds best to that kind of stuff! I Oly lifted for the first time in a long while on Sunday. I'm still sore. SO SORE. I love it. I was teaching the boy how to do cleans. I need to work on my teaching approach.
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